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Campus Directory

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I add a shortcut to the campus directory to my desktop?

  1. From Campus Directory page at
  2. Select the File menu
  3. Click Send
  4. Click Shortcut to Desktop
Shortcut to Campus Directory


2. Who should I contact if the information listed in the campus directory is not correct?

To update or report incorrect directory information, please contact the publications office via email in the Marketing & Communications Department.


3. How do I search for a faculty or staff member by name?

  1. From Campus Directory page at
  2. Scroll down to the Faculty/Staff Search section
  3. Type the Last Name, First Name, or both.
    * You can search on partial information.
  4. Click the Submit button


4. How do I search for a student by name?

  1. From Campus Directory page at
  2. Scroll down to the Student Search section
  3. Type the Last Name, First Name, or both.
    * You can search on partial information.
  4. Click the Search button


5. How do I search for all persons in a department?

  1. From Campus Directory page at
  2. Scroll down to the Faculty/Staff Search section
  3. Select the department from the drop down list
  4. Search by Department List
  5. Click the Submit button


6. How do I search for the fax number for a department?

  1. From Campus Directory page at
  2. Scroll down to the Department Search section
  3. Select a department either by typing in a department name or selecting one from the pull down menu.
  4. Departmental phone, fax, building and room numbers appear at the top of the search results.


6. How do I search for a Visiting Lecturer (VL)?

  1. From Campus Directory page at
  2. Scroll down to the Visiting Lecturer Search section
  3. Type the Last Name, First Name, or both.
    * You can search on partial information.
  4. Click the Submit button
  5. Note: VLs who are also staff employees will be listed in the faculty or staff search only.


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Last Modified: October 17, 2022